1998 F150 Ignition Switch Unlimited Wiring Diagram
I have a 2001 ford ranger 4x4 the switch on dash for 4hi and 4lo does not come on i changed the switch still not working i got a wire tester and checked the wire before the switch and have no power but the fuse looks good can you help.
I have a 2002 ranger 4x4 with no power to the 4x4 selector switch. I have a 2001 ford ranger 4x4 the switch on dash for 4hi and 4lo does not come on i changed the switch.

Starter Solenoid Wiring Diagram Deltagenerali Me Within
2002 Ford Ranger 30 Engine Diagram Unlimited Wiring Diagram
2001 Ford Ranger 4x4 Switch Wiring Wiring Diagram
97 Ranger 4x4 Wiring Diagram Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums